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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Are You Still in Love With Your Ex?

By Elliot Beers

Dealing with a break up is not an easy thing to do, but sometimes people can become too confident in their coping abilities. They carry on with their lives believing that they don't miss their ex, when in fact they actually do. This is a common behavior response known as distancing, and while it may temporarily ease the pain, it is not a long-term solution. Here are some signs that you are still in love with your, even if you are having trouble accepting the fact.


If you find yourself asking a lot of questions about your ex's whereabouts and activities, then it is obvious that you are still thinking about them. You want to know how they are coping with the break up and who they are spending their time with. You may even feel a sense of anxiety when you hear that they are dating someone new. All of these examples are signs that you have not moved on with your life. It is of course natural to be curious about your ex's activities, but becoming obsessed with this information is not healthy.

Adjusting Your Schedule

Making changes to your social plans or work schedule to spy on your ex is another bad sign. You might even try to plan your social appearances at events when you know your ex will be present. All of this is done in an effort to force interaction with your ex and remind them that you are still around. In some cases, you may do this without even knowing it by subliminally visiting the same restaurants and social spots you used to frequent together. Either way, adjusting your schedule with your ex in mind shows that you are still consumed with their opinion.

Using Jealousy

Do you ever talk to certain people or buy yourself flashy gifts only because you know your ex will notice? This is an indicator that you are trying to use jealousy to manipulate your ex. In your mind, you may think these actions are done to get revenge on your ex, but the reality is that you are actually trying to attract their attention. If you were truly over your relationship then you wouldn't be concerned with how your ex perceived you. By using jealous tactics you are proving that you still care about what they think.

Answer the Question

Sometimes the truth is the hardest thing to face, but by confronting your feelings you will be able to effectively deal with them. Ask your self honestly if you still love your ex. Would you accept them back in your life if they asked you for forgiveness today? Only you know the true answer to this question, but it is one that is important to ask.

Being in love with your ex is not necessarily a bad thing. It does however become a problem when you avoid the facts and try to hide from your own feelings. Recognizing that you still have strong emotions for them is the first step in recovery. From there you will need to decide if you want to get your ex back or focus your efforts on moving forward with your life.

Not every relationship has to end after a break up. Find proven strategies to win back your ex at GetBackMyEx.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Elliot_Beers

1 comment:

g1th said...

Though not exhaustive, yet a simple & a practical self administered REALITY CHECK for ladies & gentlemen, who doubt,hide or do not accept that they actually ARE,still in LOVE with their EXs.The article is also bereft of guilt inducing morality lectures.Hopefully,after reading this, people will arrive at realistic decisions..forge better relationships, lead more meaninful & satisfying lives.